“One dot at the time”
kr.750,00 inkl. moms
Unika håndmalet kunstpotte
Kunstner: Stine Jylov, 2020
Oliemaling på genbrugspotte, Lakkeret.
Kunstpotte/ Art pot
Title: "One Dot at the time"
Artist: Stine Jylov, 2020
Unika, håndmalet / Unique, handpainted
Oliemaling på genbrugspotte / Oilpaint on recycled pot
Du kan kun sætte én prik ad gangen. Koncentreret, fokuseret, beslutsomt. Kigger du væk, rammer du ikke skiven. Sådan er livet - Stine Jylov
Kunstpotten er en del af kunstserien: Life tales - potter, der alle har fået nyt liv gennem kunsten.
You can only place one dot at a time. Concentrated, focused, determined. If you look the other way, you will not hit target. That is life - Stine Jylov
The art pot is part of the art series: Life tales
Pots that have all been given new life through art.
The artwork is created on the basis of a recycled material, traded in the many recycling stores, which every day do a huge job so that we can buy cheap recycling, protect the environment and they can make a difference for different vulnerable populations.
Therefore, 10% of the sales of this jar goes back to these aid organizations. - With this jar, 10% of sales go to the Blue Cross, which makes a great effort for children who have alcoholism and alcohol close to home.